Tech Solutions
2015 News Archives

December 3, 2015
The FDA has published draft guidance for industry, entitled "Recommendations for Assessment of Blood Donor Suitrability, Donor Deferral and Blood Product Management in Response to Ebola Virus". In the draft guidance, the FDA is proposing additional donor screening measures to identify and defer potential blood donors that have resided in or traveled to a country with widespread transmission of Ebola virus disease or cases in urban areas with uncertain control measures in the 8 weeks prior to donation.
The draft guidance refers to the CDC's Outbreak Distribution Map as the information source for current information on countries with widespread transmission of Ebola and urban areas with uncertain control measures.

August 10, 2015
The 2016 Yellow Book update to the malaria risk maps collection has been completed and is now available. Order forms have been distributed to all current non-subscription clients.
Final hard copy pricing for this update is:
Screening Editions – Malaria Only: $95 – Malaria & vCJD: $100
Reference Editions – Malaria Only: $135 – Malaria & vCJD: $140
Electronic version pricing will be included on your order form if applicable.
Update highlights include:
25 revised malaria-risk maps
12 new maps, including 11 new enhanced detail maps for areas in:
South Korea
1 new overlay & 15 revised overlays (Reference editions only)
Revised reference lists (all editions) & Technical Notes (Reference editions only)

May 5, 2015
Publication of the 2016 Edition of the CDC's Health Information for International Travel, also known as "The Yellow Book", has been confirmed by Oxford University Press, publisher of the 2016 edition.
At this point in time the hard copy book is only available directly from Oxford University Press. Digital versions of the new Yellow Book are currently available from multiple vendors, with the Kindle version available from Amazon and eBook versions available from Barnes and Noble. The CDC website also states that digital versions of the 2016 edition will be available in the iTunes and GooglePlay app stores.
The Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites both have the book available for pre-order and state that orders will be shipped as soon as the stock is received.
An initial review of the malaria information section of the electronic version has been completed. Since an electronic version of the Yellow Book has never before been available prior to publication of the hard copy book, the malaria information will first be confirmed for consistency against the hard copy book before moving forward with our update process.
Once the CDC's information and recommendations are confirmed, a summary of the changes and update analysis will be distributed to all members of our email notification list, as well as additional information on our update timeline, pricing, process, and client conference calls.

February 13, 2015
Update pricing for the 2015 subscription year has been determined.
Hard Copy Update Subscriptions (per book):
Screening Editions (all versions): $140.00
Reference Editions (all versions): $190.00
This pricing applies to the 12 month period from April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016.
This year's update subscription pricing is based on publication of the CDC's 2016 edition of the Yellow Book in May or June 2015, analysis of malaria prevalence data from the 2014 WHO World Malaria Report, and also takes into account the possibility that current events in Syria and Iraq might result in changes in U.S. ground troop deployments in the region and reinstitution of donor deferral recommendations for Leishmaniasis by AABB this year.
Update subscription pricing for electronic version clients will be provided individually based on each client’s reported 2014 annual collections. If you are an electronic version user, please ensure that your annual reporting form has been completed and submitted.
Clients with existing subscriptions do not need to have a new contract signed.
Clients that wish to obtain update subscriptions for the first time, please contact us for information.